Joan lives in the tropical Far North, Queensland, Australia. Her beautiful home and country is the inspiration for her art. She began her working career in Melbourne, as a trainee in graphic art, technical drawings and drafting for a mining and engineering company. With the diversity of work available to her, she gained vast experience with all manner of mediums prior to the advent of computers.
Joan sees herself as a mixed media artist and an ether artist, she loves every medium and they all call to her at one time or another. In the past she has used many of the traditional methods for creating her art.
I hear you saying – An Ether Artist, what’s that? – An exciting modern art form where art is created from scratch using a computer in lieu of a real canvas and paint, water colour, pastel, pencil, charcoal etc. Joan creates digital art from the ether and uses a mouse instead of a brush and a screen instead of a canvas, both require skill, technical ability and talent to master the methods used to create the final art piece. Her work is now stored on a computer hard drive and as required she creates exclusive art as one off originals or a limited run of prints plus she has the flexibly in her work to make it available to everyone / anyone using her art printed on many other products or materials or through selling limited copyright. While art is a beautiful gift of creation, as an artist, Joan’s continual goal is striving to ensure her art is sustainable with a very small environmental footprint, while she continues to grow her business so that it not only supports her to create; it also supports her and her family and she’s happy with that.