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Stephen Richards

I am 60 years old and live in Broadmeadows. I moved to Victoria from Old Reynella in South Australia in 2006.
Initially I started painting as a form of meditation, which I still do, and now enjoy painting to make people think and question what art is about.

My first piece,” Queenscliff Pier Art Prize”, is painted on A3 300 gsm with mixed media. The joy of being in this wonderful exhibition inspired this piece, a memory for the future. I tried to include, in an impressionist style, other artworks in this piece.

My second entry, “Kerford Rd Pier”, was another exhibition location that I participated in, and visited many times in 2024 as part of “Art On The Pier “ and I look forward to at the next exhibitions in 2025.

I love painting on different mediums, recycling being a favourite of mine, foam and wood especially.

Stephen Richards
Emailkingplonk1965@gmail.comInstagram@stevo_richards_artContact the artistTo purchase the artwork or to discuss a new commission etc. please message me via these contact details.Share